Android SDK

The MoneyHash Android SDK allows developers to integrate MoneyHash payment processing into their mobile applications. With this SDK, you can easily accept customer payments, manage subscriptions, and send payouts in your Android apps.


Before integrating MoneyHash with the Android SDK, ensure you have completed the following steps:

  1. Get Started with MoneyHash to access your own Organization.
  2. Create an Account within your Organization.
  3. Connect providers to your new Account.
  4. Set up your Payment Defaults.
  5. Obtain your API keys from the dashboard to make API calls.


To integrate MoneyHash's Android SDK into your application, follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the MoneyHash SDK Dependency

  1. Open Your Project's build.gradle File

    Navigate to your project's build.gradle file (usually the one at the project root) and ensure that the mavenCentral() repository is included:

    allprojects {
        repositories {
  2. Add the Dependency to Your Module's build.gradle File

    Open your app module's build.gradle file and add the MoneyHash SDK dependency:

    dependencies {
        // Other dependencies
        implementation 'io.moneyhash:android:{{latest_version}}' // Replace with the latest version
  3. Sync Your Project

    After adding the dependency, sync your project to download the SDK.


After installing the MoneyHash Android SDK, you can start integrating it into your Android application. The integration involves several key steps:

Step 1: Create an Intent

Before initiating any payment or payout process, you need to create an Intent on your server. An Intent represents a payment or payout operation that you plan to perform.

Ensure you receive and store the intentId from your server's response, as you will need it in subsequent steps.

Step 2: Initialize the MoneyHash SDK

Import the MoneyHash SDK in your Java or Kotlin code and create an instance of MoneyHashSDK.

For Kotlin:

// Initialize the SDK using the builder
val moneyHashSDK = MoneyHashSDKBuilder()

Step 3: Set the Public API Key

Set your public API key to authenticate your SDK instance. Obtain your public API key from the MoneyHash Dashboard under your Account settings. For more information on obtaining your public API key, see the MoneyHash Authentication Documentation.

(Note: The public API key is set during the initialization in the previous step.)

Step 4: Get Intent Details

Retrieve the details of the intent that was created earlier by your server. This will provide you with the current state of the intent and other relevant information.

For Kotlin:

		// Retrieve intent details
    try {
        val intentDetails = moneyHashSDK.getIntentDetails(
            intentId = "<intent_id>",
            intentType = IntentType.Payment // or IntentType.Payout
        println("Intent Details: $intentDetails")
    } catch (throwable: Throwable) {
        println("Error retrieving intent details: ${throwable.message}")

Refer to the IntentDetails model for a complete list of available properties.

Basic Concepts

Overview of MoneyHash APIs

For a detailed guide to all available APIs in the MoneyHash SDK for Android, including parameters, return types, and usage examples, refer to the following documentation:

This includes methods for handling payments, retrieving intent details, submitting forms, and more.

Overview of MoneyHash Models

The MoneyHash SDK for Android features various models to represent data structures like intents, payment methods, transactions, and card information. For comprehensive details on these models, including their properties and usage within the SDK, see the Models Documentation.

Questions and Issues

Please provide any feedback or report issues via a GitHub Issue.

This documentation provides Android developers with the necessary guidance to install and integrate the MoneyHash SDK into their applications, following the same structure and sections as the Flutter documentation provided.