Get Available Methods

Methods That Require Public Key

These methods depend on the public API key being set in the MoneyHashSDK using the setPublicKey method.

To obtain your public API key, please refer to the MoneyHash Integration.

Get Account Methods

To access the available pay-in methods, saved cards, and customer balances, call the getMethods method with the appropriate search criteria.

currencyString - required
amountdouble - optional
customerString - optional
flowIdString - optional
import 'package:moneyhash/moneyhash.dart';

void main() async {
  final moneyHashSDK = MoneyHashSDK();

  // Set your public API key

  // Create GetMethodsParams using the withCurrency constructor
  final methodsParams = GetMethodsParams.withCurrency(
    currency: "USD",
    customer: "customer_id",
    flowId: "flow_id",
    amount: 100.0,

  try {
    // Retrieve available methods
    final methods = await moneyHashSDK.getMethods(methodsParams);
    print("Available Payment Methods: ${methods.paymentMethods}");
    print("Available Express Methods: ${methods.expressMethods}");
    print("Saved Cards: ${methods.savedCards}");
    print("Customer Balances: ${methods.customerBalances}");
  } catch (e) {
    print("Error retrieving methods: $e");

Get Methods For Intent

The getMethods method allows you to access the available pay-in/pay-out methods, saved cards, and customer balances associated with a specific intent. This can be useful for predefined payment methods or allowing customers to choose their preferred method.

To achieve the functionality, use the getMethods method with the GetMethodsParams.withIntent constructor.

Usage Example
import 'package:moneyhash/moneyhash.dart';

void main() async {
  final moneyHashSDK = MoneyHashSDK();

  // The intentId should be obtained from your backend after creating an intent
  final intentId = "your_intent_id_here";
  final intentType = IntentType.payment; // or IntentType.payout

  // Create GetMethodsParams using the withIntent constructor
  final methodsParams = GetMethodsParams.withIntent(

  try {
    // Retrieve available methods using getMethods
    final methods = await moneyHashSDK.getMethods(methodsParams);
    print("Available Payment Methods: ${methods.paymentMethods}");
    print("Available Express Methods: ${methods.expressMethods}");
    print("Saved Cards: ${methods.savedCards}");
    print("Customer Balances: ${methods.customerBalances}");
  } catch (e) {
    print("Error retrieving methods: $e");

Get Intent Details

To access all intent details related to a specific intentId, use the getIntentDetails method.

import 'package:moneyhash/moneyhash.dart';

void main() async {
  final moneyHashSDK = MoneyHashSDK();

  final intentId = "your_intent_id_here";

  try {
    final intentDetails = await moneyHashSDK.getIntentDetails(intentId, IntentType.payment);
    print("Intent Details: $intentDetails");
  } catch (e) {
    print("Error retrieving intent details: $e");

Proceed With Payment

To proceed with a selected payment method, use the proceedWithMethod method. This method allows you to initiate a payment using the chosen method, such as a payment method ID, saved card ID, or customer balance ID.

import 'package:moneyhash/moneyhash.dart';

void main() async {
  final moneyHashSDK = MoneyHashSDK();

  final intentId = "your_intent_id_here";
  final intentType = IntentType.payment;
  final selectedMethodId = "selected_method_id_here";
  final methodType = MethodType.paymentMethod; // e.g., paymentMethod, savedCard, customerBalance
  final methodMetaData = {
    "cvv": "123", // Required if using a saved card that requires CVV

  try {
    final intentResult = await moneyHashSDK.proceedWithMethod(
    print("Proceeded with method: $intentResult");
  } catch (e) {
    print("Error proceeding with payment: $e");