Together with the integration of the payment functionalities, MoneyHash recommends you set up a notification system to track all operations related to your business. This way, you can stay up to date with all operations related to each transaction. You can accomplish this using Webhooks or Redirects. This page focuses on the Webhooks solution.

Why use webhooks

Webhooks enable apps to provide real-time information whenever an event happens without needing constant requests. They are a passive method to receive data between two systems through an HTTP POST. Webhooks allow you to automate custom backend actions in response to the transitions that happened. Since the event notifications trigger automatically, your system won't need to make recurrent requests, processing information on demand.

MoneyHash webhooks will alert you when there is an update to any step of the payment cycle. There are webhooks for intents, transactions, card tokenizations, customers, payment methods, subscriptions, and historical transactions.

Example of use

Let's say you want to know when a transaction is successful, you can use webhooks. Every time the transaction status is updated, for example, when it reaches the transaction.purchase.successful status, MoneyHash will send a POST request to your webhook endpoint. This notification will contain the intent ID and the transaction.purchase.successful status.

With this information, you can complete any necessary backend action for your business, such as calling your shipping provider's APIs to schedule a shipment.

Webhooks Signature

While the webhooks are a great way to communicate and receive updates, it's essential for security purposes to validate the event source and verify that the events were sent by MoneyHash

MoneyHash signs all webhook events sent to your endpoints with a signature that appears in each event's MoneyHash-Signature header. It allows you to verify that the events were sent by MoneyHash rather than a third party. Find out how to take full advantage of this at the Webhooks Signature page.

Webhook Retries

MoneyHash will retry sending you the webhook event gradually in case of failures. The retries approach ensures your server receives the transactions' updates. If the POST request fails, MoneyHash will perform a new POST request, increasing the time waiting time, as described below:

  1. Retries sending event after 5 minutes.
  2. Retries sending event after 30 minutes.
  3. Retries sending event after 2 hours.
  4. Retries sending event after 8 hours.
  5. Retries sending event after 12 hours.
  6. Retries sending event after 24 hours.
  7. If all the above tries fail, MoneyHash stops, and you can manually retry it from the dashboard.

Further Webhooks

To learn more about the Webhooks on MoneyHash, you can explore the following contents: