Flutter APIs

MoneyHash SDK API Documentation

The MoneyHash SDK for Flutter offers a comprehensive suite of APIs for managing payment intents, handling various payment methods, and processing transactions. The following documentation details the available methods within the MoneyHashSDK class.

API Methods of MoneyHashSDK

1. Render MoneyHash Embed Form

Future<IntentDetails?> renderForm(
    String intentId,
    IntentType intentType,
    EmbedStyle? embedStyle,
  • Purpose: Renders the MoneyHash embed form within the Flutter application.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
    • embedStyle: Optional styling configuration for the embed form.
  • Returns: IntentDetails if successful, null otherwise.
  • Throws: An MHException if something went wrong while rendering the intent.
  • Example:
try {
    var intentDetails = await moneyHashSDK.renderForm(
        "current intent id",
        null,  // Optional EmbedStyle
    print("Form rendered with details: $intentDetails");
} catch (e) {
    print("Failed to render form: $e");

2. Retrieve Available Methods

Future<IntentMethods> getIntentMethods(String intentId, IntentType intentType)
  • Purpose: Retrieves available payment methods for a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
  • Returns: IntentMethods containing available methods.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to retrieve the methods.
  • Example:
try {
    var methods = await moneyHashSDK.getIntentMethods("Z1ED7zZ", IntentType.payment);
    print("Available methods: $methods");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error retrieving methods: $e");

3. Retrieve Intent Details

Future<IntentDetails> getIntentDetails(String intentId, IntentType intentType)
  • Purpose: Retrieves the details of a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
  • Returns: IntentDetails.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to retrieve the intent details.
  • Example:
try {
    var intentDetails = await moneyHashSDK.getIntentDetails("Z1ED7zZ", IntentType.payment);
    print("Intent details: $intentDetails");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error retrieving intent details: $e");

4. Delete a Saved Card

Future<void> deleteSavedCard(String cardTokenId, String intentSecret)
  • Purpose: Deletes a saved card using its token ID and associated intent secret.
  • Parameters:
    • cardTokenId: The token ID of the card to be deleted.
    • intentSecret: The secret associated with the intent.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to to delete the card.
  • Example:
try {
    await moneyHashSDK.deleteSavedCard("card_token_123", "secret_456");
    print("Card deleted successfully");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error deleting card: $e");

5. Reset Selected Method

Future<IntentResult> resetSelectedMethod(String intentId, IntentType intentType)
  • Purpose: Resets the selected payment or payout method for a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
  • Returns: IntentResult with the reset result.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to to reset the selected method.
  • Example:
try {
    var result = await moneyHashSDK.resetSelectedMethod("Z1ED7zZ", IntentType.payment);
    print("Method reset successfully: $result");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error resetting method: $e");

6. Proceed with Selected Method

Future<IntentResult> proceedWithMethod(
    String intentId,
    IntentType intentType,
    String selectedMethodId,
    MethodType methodType,
    MethodMetaData? methodMetaData
  • Purpose: Proceeds with the selected payment or payout method for a given intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
    • selectedMethodId: The ID of the selected method.
    • methodType: The type of the method (MethodType).
    • methodMetaData: Optional metadata related to the method.
  • Returns: IntentResult encapsulating the result of the method selection.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to to proceed with the selected method.
  • Example:
try {
    var result = await moneyHashSDK.proceedWithMethod(
        null  // Optional metadata
    print("Proceeded with method: $result");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error proceeding with method: $e");

7. Submit Form

Future<IntentDetails?> submitForm(
    String intentId,
    String selectedMethodId,
    Map<String, String> billingData,
    Map<String, String> shippingData,
    VaultData cardData
  • Purpose: Submits a form with selected method and optional billing and shipping data.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • selectedMethodId: The ID of the selected payment method.
    • billingData: Optional billing details.
    • shippingData: Optional shipping details.
    • cardData: Data from card tokenization (if applicable).
  • Returns: IntentDetails if successful, null otherwise.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to to submit the form data.
  • Example:
try {
    var intentDetails = await moneyHashSDK.submitForm(
        {"address": "123 Main St", "city": "New York"},
        {"address": "456 Elm St", "city": "Boston"},
        VaultData()  // Assuming VaultData is properly initialized
    print("Form submitted successfully: $intentDetails");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error submitting form: $e");

8. Submit Card CVV

Future<IntentDetails?> submitCardCVV(String intentId, String cvv)
  • Purpose: Submits the CVV for a card associated with a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • cvv: The CVV of the card.
  • Returns: IntentDetails if successful, null otherwise.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to to submit the cvv.
  • Example:
try {
    var intentDetails = await moneyHashSDK.submitCardCVV("Z1ED7zZ", "123");
    print("CVV submitted successfully: $intentDetails");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error submitting CVV: $e");

9. Set Logging Level

void setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel)
  • Purpose: Sets the logging level for the SDK.
  • Parameters:
    • logLevel: The desired logging level.
  • Example:
print("Log level set to debug");

10. Submit Payment Receipt

Future<IntentDetails?> submitPaymentReceipt(String intentId, String data)
  • Purpose: Submits a payment receipt for a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the payment intent.
    • data: The receipt data to be submitted.
  • Returns: IntentDetails if successful, null otherwise.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to to submit the receipt.
  • Example:
try {
    var intentDetails = await moneyHashSDK.submitPaymentReceipt("Z1ED7zZ", "receipt_data_string");
    print("Receipt submitted successfully: $intentDetails");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error submitting receipt: $e");

11. Proceed with Apple Pay

This method is only available on iOS.

Future<IntentDetails?> proceedWithApplePay(
    String intentId,
    double depositAmount,
    String merchantIdentifier,
    String currencyCode,
    String countryCode
  • Purpose: Initiates an Apple Pay transaction.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • depositAmount: The amount to be paid.
    • merchantIdentifier: A unique identifier for the merchant.
    • currencyCode: The currency code of the transaction (e.g., "USD").
    • countryCode: The country code associated with the transaction (e.g., "US").
  • Returns: IntentDetails if successful, error with details if otherwise.
  • Throws: An MHException if failed to to proceed with ApplePay.
  • Example:
try {
    var intentDetails = await moneyHashSDK.proceedWithApplePay(
        "intent id here",

    print("Apple Pay transaction initiated: $intentDetails");
} catch (e) {
    print("Error initiating Apple Pay transaction: $e");

12. is Device compatible with Apple Pay

This method is only available on iOS.

Future<bool> isDeviceCompatibleWithApplePay()
  • Purpose: Checks if the current device is compatible with Apple Pay.
  • Returns: A bool indicating whether the device supports Apple Pay (true if compatible, false otherwise).
  • Example:
    var isCompatible = await moneyHashSDK.isDeviceCompatibleWithApplePay();
    print("Device is compatible with Apple Pay: $isCompatible");

13. Set Locale

void setLocale(Language locale)
  • Purpose: Sets the locale for the SDK.
  • Parameters
    • locale: The Language object representing the locale to be set.

14. Update Fees

Future<FeesData?> updateFees(
String intentId,
List<FeeItem> fees
  • Purpose: Updates the fees associated with a specified intent.

  • Parameters

    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • fees: A list of FeeItem objects representing the fees to be updated.
  • Returns: FeesData if successful

  • Throws: An MHException if the fees cannot be updated.

15. Update Discount

Future<DiscountData?> updateDiscount(
String intentId,
DiscountItem discount
  • Purpose: Updates the discount associated with a specified intent.

  • Parameters

    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • discount: A DiscountItem object representing the discount to be updated.
  • Returns: DiscountData if successful

  • Throws: An MHException if the fees cannot be updated.