ReactNative APIs

API Methods of MoneyHashSDK

1. Render MoneyHash Embed Form

  intentId: string,
  intentType: IntentType,
  embedStyle?: EmbedStyle
): Promise<IntentDetails>
  • Purpose: Renders the MoneyHash embed form within the React Native application.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
    • embedStyle: Optional styling configuration for the embed form.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentDetails if successful.
  • Throws: An MHError if something went wrong while rendering the intent.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.renderForm("currentIntentId", IntentType.Payment)
  .then(intentDetails => {
    console.log("Form rendered with details: ", intentDetails);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Failed to render form: ", error);

2. Retrieve Available Methods

getIntentMethods(intentId: string, intentType: IntentType): Promise<IntentMethods>
  • Purpose: Retrieves available payment methods for a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentMethods containing available methods.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to retrieve the methods.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.getIntentMethods("Z1ED7zZ", IntentType.Payment)
  .then(methods => {
    console.log("Available methods: ", methods);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error retrieving methods: ", error);

3. Retrieve Intent Details

getIntentDetails(intentId: string, intentType: IntentType): Promise<IntentDetails>
  • Purpose: Retrieves the details of a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentDetails.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to retrieve the intent details.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.getIntentDetails("Z1ED7zZ", IntentType.Payment)
  .then(intentDetails => {
    console.log("Intent details: ", intentDetails);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error retrieving intent details: ", error);

4. Delete a Saved Card

deleteSavedCard(cardTokenId: string, intentSecret: string): Promise<void>
  • Purpose: Deletes a saved card using its token ID and associated intent secret.
  • Parameters:
    • cardTokenId: The token ID of the card to be deleted.
    • intentSecret: The secret associated with the intent.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to delete the card.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.deleteSavedCard("card_token_123", "secret_456")
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Card deleted successfully");
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error deleting card: ", error);

5. Reset Selected Method

resetSelectedMethod(intentId: string, intentType: IntentType): Promise<IntentResult>
  • Purpose: Resets the selected payment or payout method for a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentResult with the reset result.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to reset the selected method.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.resetSelectedMethod("Z1ED7zZ", IntentType.Payment)
  .then(result => {
    console.log("Method reset successfully: ", result);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error resetting method: ", error);

6. Proceed with Selected Method

  intentId: string,
  intentType: IntentType,
  selectedMethodId: string,
  methodType: MethodType,
  methodMetaData?: MethodMetaData
): Promise<IntentResult>
  • Purpose: Proceeds with the selected payment or payout method for a given intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • intentType: The type of the intent (IntentType), either payment or payout.
    • selectedMethodId: The ID of the selected method.
    • methodType: The type of the method (MethodType).
    • methodMetaData: Optional metadata related to the method.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentResult encapsulating the result of the method selection.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to proceed with the selected method.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.proceedWithMethod("Z1ED7zZ", IntentType.Payment, "method_123", MethodType.PaymentMethod)
  .then(result => {
    console.log("Proceeded with method: ", result);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error proceeding with method: ", error);

7. Submit Form

  intentId: string,
  selectedMethodId: string,
  billingData: Record<string, string>,
  shippingData: Record<string, string>,
  vaultData?: VaultData
): Promise<IntentDetails>
  • Purpose: Submits a form with the selected method and optional billing and shipping data.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • selectedMethodId: The ID of the selected payment method.
    • billingData: Optional billing details.
    • shippingData: Optional shipping details.
    • vaultData: Data from card tokenization (if applicable).
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentDetails if successful.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to submit the form data.
  • Example:
  { "address": "123 Main St", "city": "New York" },
  { "address": "456 Elm St", "city": "Boston" }
  .then(intentDetails => {
    console.log("Form submitted successfully: ", intentDetails);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error submitting form: ", error);

8. Submit Card CVV

submitCardCVV(intentId: string, cvv: string): Promise<IntentDetails>
  • Purpose: Submits the CVV for a card associated with a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • cvv: The CVV of the card.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentDetails if successful.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to submit the CVV.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.submitCardCVV("Z1ED7zZ", "123")
  .then(intentDetails => {
    console.log("CVV submitted successfully: ", intentDetails);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error submitting CVV: ", error);

9. Set Logging Level

setLogLevel(logLevel: LogLevel): void
  • Purpose: Sets the logging level for the SDK.
  • Parameters:
    • logLevel: The desired logging level.
  • Example:
console.log("Log level set to debug");

10. Submit Payment Receipt

submitPaymentReceipt(intentId: string, data: string): Promise<IntentDetails>
  • Purpose: Submits a payment receipt for a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the payment intent.
    • data: The receipt data to be submitted.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentDetails if successful.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to submit the receipt.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.submitPaymentReceipt("Z1ED7zZ", "receipt_data_string")
  .then(intentDetails => {
    console.log("Receipt submitted successfully: ", intentDetails);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error submitting receipt: ", error);



#### 11. Proceed with Apple Pay

> **Note**: This method is only available on iOS.

  intentId: string,
  depositAmount: number,
  merchantIdentifier: string,
  currencyCode: string,
  countryCode: string
): Promise<IntentDetails>
  • Purpose: Initiates an Apple Pay transaction.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • depositAmount: The amount to be paid.
    • merchantIdentifier: A unique identifier for the merchant.
    • currencyCode: The currency code of the transaction (e.g., "USD").
    • countryCode: The country code associated with the transaction (e.g., "US").
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to IntentDetails if successful.
  • Throws: An MHError if failed to proceed with Apple Pay.
  • Example:
moneyHashSDK.proceedWithApplePay("intentId", 99.99, "", "USD", "US")
  .then(intentDetails => {
    console.log("Apple Pay transaction initiated: ", intentDetails);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error initiating Apple Pay transaction: ", error);

12. Is Device Compatible with Apple Pay

Note: This method is only available on iOS.

isDeviceCompatibleWithApplePay(): Promise<boolean>
  • Purpose: Checks if the current device is compatible with Apple Pay.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the device supports Apple Pay (true if compatible, false otherwise).
  • Example:
  .then(isCompatible => {
    console.log("Device is compatible with Apple Pay: ", isCompatible);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error checking Apple Pay compatibility: ", error);

13. Set Locale

setLocale(locale: Language): void
  • Purpose: Sets the locale for the SDK.
  • Parameters:
    • locale: The Language object representing the locale to be set.

14. Update Fees

updateFees(intentId: string, fees: FeeItem[]): Promise<FeesData>
  • Purpose: Updates the fees associated with a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • fees: A list of FeeItem objects representing the fees to be updated.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to FeesData if successful.
  • Throws: An MHError if the fees cannot be updated.
  • Example:
const feeItems: FeeItem[] = [
  new FeeItem(
    new Map<Language, string>([
      [Language.ENGLISH, "Service Fee"],
      [Language.ARABIC, "رسوم الخدمة"]
  new FeeItem(
    new Map<Language, string>([
      [Language.ENGLISH, "Processing Fee"],
      [Language.ARABIC, "رسوم المعالجة"]

moneyHashSDK.updateFees("ZpmnoP9", feeItems)
  .then(feesData => {
    console.log("Fees updated successfully: ", feesData);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error updating fees: ", error);

15. Update Discount

updateDiscount(intentId: string, discount: DiscountItem): Promise<DiscountData>
  • Purpose: Updates the discount associated with a specified intent.
  • Parameters:
    • intentId: The unique identifier of the intent.
    • discount: A DiscountItem object representing the discount to be updated.
  • Returns: A promise that resolves to DiscountData if successful.
  • Throws: An MHError if the discount cannot be updated.
  • Example:
const discountItem = new DiscountItem(
  new Map<Language, string>([
    [Language.ENGLISH, "Service Fee"],
    [Language.ARABIC, "رسوم الخدمة"]

moneyHashSDK.updateDiscount("ZpmnoP9", discountItem)
  .then(discountData => {
    console.log("Discount updated successfully: ", discountData);
  .catch(error => {
    console.error("Error updating discount: ", error);